Why do you need an additive
Beautiful and toned skin, elastic muscles and the health of our musculoskeletal system is impossible without the presence in the body of such important substances for beauty and health as collagen and hyaluronic acid. And the older a person becomes, the more there is a need for these substances, which can be obtained from the external environment. Liquid collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C is the health of joints, blood vessels and an excellent appearance.
Description of tastes
The liquid youth cocktail of collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C is available in two different flavors – exotic mango and raspberry, familiar from childhood. Both are wonderful in their own way and guarantee everyone a pleasant welcome and the possibility of creating a variety of flavors.
How to use
The frequency of administration and doses depend on the individual needs of the body and it is best to seek the help of a specialist – attending or sports doctor who will help determine the daily requirement of substances.